Basic Concept Videos
Budget Constraint (Ref: Varian Chapter 2) | 1 |
- This Video talks about what is budget constraint, if prices and income change how will budget line shift.
- How budget line looks like if one of the good is taxed, subsidised or rationed.
- How will budget line looks like in case of Food Stamp program.
- And then it ends with an example of kinked budget constraint.
- You should supplement this with some more mathematical examples.
Cobb Douglas Utility function : Demand curve /Normal Good/Substitutes or Complements/Elasticity |2| (Varian Chapter 3 &6 )
- This video answers : How to draw an Indifference curve for a cobb Douglas utility function How to find a Marshallian demand function for a Cobb Douglas utility function Are the goods :
- a) ordinary good or a giffen good.
- b) normal good or an inferior good.
- c) Gross Substitutes or Gross Complements.
- d) Engel Curve / Income Offer curve.
- e) Own price elasticity of demand/ Cross price elasticity of demand/ Income elasticity of demand
Perfect Complements Utility |Demand curve /Normal Good/Elasticity/Engel Curve/ Income Offer Curve|3| (Varian Ch 3 &6)
- For a recording on Cobb Douglas Utility function :
- How to draw an Indifference curve for a Perfect Complements utility function How to find a Marshallian demand function for a Perfect Complements utility function Are the goods :
- a) ordinary good or a giffen good.
- b) normal good or an inferior good.
- c) Gross Substitutes or Gross Complements.
- d) Engel Curve / Income Offer curve.
- e) Own price elasticity of demand/ Cross price elasticity of demand/ Income elasticity of demand.
Demand function for Perfect Substitutes and One Simple Application | 4 |
(Varian Ch 3 &6)
- a)How to draw an Indifference curve for a Perfect Substitutes utility function.
- b)How to find a Marshallian demand function for a Perfect Substitutes utility function.
Quasilinear Preferences, Income Offer curve and Engel Curve. | 5 |
(Varian Ch 3 &6)
- a)How to draw an Indifference curve for a Quasi Linear utility function.
- b)How to find a Marshallian demand function for a Quasi Linear utility function.
- c) How to find Engel Curve for Quasi linear Utility function.
Indifference Curves : Tangency Condition and Optimal Choice | 6 | (Varian Ch 4)
- This video talks about whether Tangency condition is a necessary and sufficient condition for optimal?
Corner Solutions in Indifference Curve (Part 1) :U = max{x,y} | 7 | (Varian Chapter 4 and 5)
- This video talks about when can we have corner solutions or boundary solutions in Indifference Curves optimum.
- Reference : Varian Chapter 4 and 5
Corner Solutions in Indifference Curve (Part 2) : U = x^2 + y^2 |Concave Preferences| | 8 | (Varian Chapter 4 and 5)
- This video talks about when can we have corner solutions or boundary solutions in Indifference Curves optimum. It gives an example of concave Preferences
- Reference : Varian Chapter 4 and 5
Corner Solutions | Indifference Curve :(Part 3)|lexicographic Preferences| Economic Bads| Neutral |9| (Varian Chapter 4 and 5)
- This video talks about when can we have corner solutions or boundary solutions in Indifference Curves optimum. It gives an example:
- 1) Lexicographic Preferences
- 2) Economic Bads
- 3) Neutrals
- Reference : Varian Chapter 4 and 5
Monotonicity of Preferences | Why Indifference Curves are Downward Sloping| | 10 | (Varian Chapter 3)
- This video talks about the first property of well behaved preferences :
- 1) Monotonicity of Preferences (More is better)
- 2) How Monotonicity assumption is affecting the downward slope of Indifference curve?
Averages are preferred to extremes | Well Behaved Preferences| |11| (Varian Chapter 3)
- This video talks about the second property of well behaved preferences :
- 1) Averages are preferred to extremes
- 2) People generally consume mixture of goods, instead of specializing in consumption of just one good
- Reference : Varian Chapter 3
Diminishing MRS | Numerical Examples | Test of Diminishing MRS | |MRS as the ratio of MU | |12| (Varian Chapter 3)
- This video talks about:-
- 1) What is MRS (Marginal Rate of Substitution)
- 2) Diminishing MRS
- 3) MRS as the ratio of Marginal Utilities
- 4) Numerical Examples
- 5) Test of Diminishing MRS
- Reference : Varian Chapter 3
Monotonic Transformation of a Utility Function | Meaning | Definition | Example | 13 | (Varian Chapter 3)
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning and Definition of Monotonic Transformation
- 2) How to check whether the transformation will preserve the preference ordering
- 3) Simple Proof : MRS (U) = MRS (f(U))
- Reference : Varian Chapter 3
Homethetic Preferences (Part 1) | Meaning | Definition | Simple Proof | 14 | (Varian Chapter 3 & 6)
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning and Definition of Homothetic Preferences
- 2) Simple Proof of Homothetic Preferences
- Reference : Varian Chapter 3, 6
Homethetic Preferences (Part 2)|All Homogenous are Homothetic|Not all Homothetic are Homogenous|15| (Varian Chapter 3 & 6)
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning and Definition of Homothetic Preferences.
- 2) All Homogenous are Homothetic Preferences.
- 3) Not all Homothetic are Homogenous
- Reference : Varian Chapter 3, 6
Homothetic functions(Part 3)| Income expansion Path | Elasticity |Constant MRS along a ray |16| (Varian Chapter 3 & 6)
This video talks about:-
- 1) Properties of Homogenous Utility functions (Homothetic Preferences).
- 2) MRS is constant along a ray from origin.
- 3) Demand function is linearly dependent upon income.
- 4) Income elasticity of demand is 1.
- 5) Income expansion path is a ray from origin
- Reference : Varian Chapter 3, 6
Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference | Meaning | Example | 17 | (Varian Chapter 7)
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning of Revealed Preference.
- 2) Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference.
- 3) Example of WARP
- Reference : Varian Chapter 7
Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference (Part 2) | Violation of WARP | 18 | (Varian Chapter 7)
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning of Direct and Indirect Revealed Preference.
- 2) Formal Definition of Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference.
- 3) Example of Violation of WARP
- Reference : Varian Chapter 7
Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference (Part 3) | Violation of WARP Numerical Example | 19 | (Varian Chapter 7)
- This video talks about:-
- Calculation of whether Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference is satisfied or not
- Reference : Varian Chapter 7
Revealed Preference (Part 4) | Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference | Meaning | Numerical | 20 | (Varian Chapter 7)
This video talks about:-
- Calculation of whether Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference is satisfied or not
- Reference : Varian Chapter 7
Substitution Effect and Income Effect | Meaning | Diagram | Simple Numerical | Example | 21 |
This video talks about Substitution Effect and Income Effect:-
- 1) Diagrammatic representation of Substitution and Income effects.
- 2) Numerical Example showing the calculation of Substitution effect and Income effect.
Sign of Substitution Effect | Revealed Preference Argument | 22 |
This video talks about Substitution Effect and Income Effect (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 8):-
- 1) Non -Positive Nature of Substitution Effect.
- 2) Using Revealed Preference Argument to show that substitution effect is negative.
Hicksian Substitution Effect| Non Positive Nature of Hicksian Substitution Effect | 23 |
This video talks about Substitution Effect and Income Effect (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 8):-
- 1) Meaning of Hicksian Substitution Effect.
- 2) Non -Positive Nature of Hicksian Substitution Effect
Slutsky Identity | Slutsky Equation | Normal goods | Inferior Goods | Giffen Goods| 24 |
This video talks about Slutsky Identity | Slutsky Equation | (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 8):-
- 1) Meaning of Slutsky Identity
- 2) Normal goods , Giffen goods and Normal goods in terms of Slutsky Identity
Substitution effect & Income Effect | Perfect Complements | Perfect Substitutes | Quasilinear | 25 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Examples of Substitution effect & Income Effect.
- 2) Perfect Complements | Perfect Substitutes | Quasilinear Preferences |
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 8)
Intertemporal Choice | Budget Constraint | Present Value Form and Future Value Form | 26 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning of Intertemporal Choice.
- 2) How to derive Budget Constraint for Intertemporal Choice in Present Value and in future value form.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 10)
Intertemporal Choice | When Lender remains a lender | When Borrower remains a borrower| 27 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Initially a lender, remains a lender when rate of interest rises.
- 2) initially a borrower, remains a borrower when rate of interest falls.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 10)
Intertemporal Choice and Slutsky Equation | 28 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How to interpret Slutsky Equation in the context of Intertemporal Choice.
- 2) If a borrower choses to remain a borrower, when interest rate rises, he will be worse off.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 10)
Index numbers | Revealed Preference | Lasperyers and Paasche Quantity Index | 29 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How to interpret Index Numbers in the context of Revealed Preference Argument.
- 2) Laspeyres Quantity Index and Paasche Quantity Index, and using them in Revealed Preference argument.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 7)
Index numbers | Revealed Preference | Lasperyers and Paasche Price Index | 30 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How to interpret Index Numbers in the context of Revealed Preference Argument.
- 2) Laspeyres Price Index and Paasche Price Index, and using them in Revealed Preference argument.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 7)
Intertemporal Choice | Kinked Budget Constraint | Numerical Example | 31 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Simple Numerical of Intertemporal Choice.
- 2) If Borrowing or lending rates are different the how to chose consumption over time.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 10)
Work Leisure Choice (Part 1) | Budget Constraint | Labour Supply | Numerical Example | 32 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Simple model of Labour supply, i.e. work leisure choice.
- 2) Simple numerical relating to the above concept.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 9)
Work Leisure Choice Part 1 | Budget Constraint | Labour Supply | Numerical Example | 32 | HINDI |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Simple model of Labour supply, i.e. work leisure choice.
- 2) Simple numerical relating to the above concept.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 9)
Backward Bending Supply Curve of Labour | Work Leisure Choice (Part II) | | 33 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Backward Bending Supply Curve of Labour.
- 2) Simple numerical relating to the above concept.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 9)
Overtime Wages and Pure Substitution Effect | Work Leisure Choice (Part 3) | 34 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How labour choice is going to work, if only overtime wages are increased and not just a simple straight increase in wages.
- 2) In this case, overtime wages will just have a pure substitution effect.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 9)
Choice Under Uncertainty | Part 1 | Meaning of Expected Value and Expected Utility
| 35 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) What is the meaning of Expected Value and Expected Utility?
- 2. When will the consumer prefer a certain income over a gamble?
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 12)
Choice Under Uncertainty | Part 2 | Risk Averse Individual and Fair Bet | 36 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) What is the meaning of Risk Averse Individual?
- 2. What is the meaning of Fair Bet?
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 12)
Choice Under Uncertainty | Part 3 | Risk Averse | Risk Premium | Certainty Equivalence | 37 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Who is a Risk Averse Individual?
- 2. What is the meaning of Certainty Equivalence?
- How to calculate Risk Premium?
- Numerical Example
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 12)
Choice Under Uncertainty | Part 4 | Demand of Insurance | Actuarially Fair Insurance Premium | 38 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How to calculate Demand for Insurance?
- 2) What is an Actuarially Fair insurance Premium?
- 3) Numerical Example
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 12)
Production Theory Basics | Part 1 | Production Function | Isoquant | MRTS | 39 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Theory Production
- 2) Meaning of Production Function
- 3) Meaning of an Isoquant
- 4) Meaning of Diminishing Marginal Productivity
- 5) Meaning of MRTS (Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution)
- (REFERENCE : Nicholson and Snyder Chapter 9)
Production Theory Basics | Part 2 | Relation Between Diminishing MU and Diminishing MRTS | 40 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Theory Production
- 2) Relation between Diminishing MU and Diminishing MRTS
- 3) Diminishing MU may not necessarily imply diminishing MRTS
- (REFERENCE : Nicholson and Snyder Chapter 9)
Production Theory Basics | Part 3 | Return to Scale | CRS | IRS | DRS | 41 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Theory Production
- 2) Returns to Scale
- 3) Constant Returns to Scale
- 4) Increasing Returns to Scale
- 5) Decreasing Returns to Scale
- (REFERENCE : Nicholson and Snyder Chapter 9)
Production Theory Basics | Elasticity of Substitution | High & Low Elasticity of Substitution | 42|
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Theory Production
- 2) Elasticity of Substitution
- 3) High & Low elasticity of substitution
- (REFERENCE : Nicholson and Snyder Chapter 9)
Example of Elasticity of Substitution | Cobb Douglas | Perfect Compliment | Perfect Substitutes | 43|
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Production Theory
- 2) Elasticity of Substitution
- 3) Examples of Elasticity of Substitution
- 4) Cobb Douglas | Perfect Complement | Perfect Substitutes |
- (REFERENCE : Nicholson and Snyder Chapter 9)
Production Theory Basics | Part 6 | Technical Progress using the Production function concept | 44 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Production Theory
- 2) Technical Progress using the production function concept
- 3) Growth Accounting Equation
- (REFERENCE : Nicholson and Snyder Chapter 9)
Production Theory Basics | Part 7 | Numerical Examples From Production Theory | 45 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Production Theory
- 2) Numerical Examples from Production Theory
- 3) Numerical on Returns to Scale | Convexity of an Isoquant | Growth accounting
- (REFERENCE : Nicholson and Snyder Chapter 9)
[Cost Theory Basics] Meaning Of Cost Minimisation | Tangency Between Isocost Line and Isoquant | 46 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Cost Theory
- 2) Meaning of Cost Minimisation
- 3) Tangency between Isocost Line and Isoquant
- (REFERENCE : Varian, Ch 18)
Derivation Of Cost Function From Production Function | Cobb Douglas | Perfect Complements| 47 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Cost Theory
- 2) Examples of Cost Minimisation
- 3) Derivation of cost function from the associated production function Cobb Douglas | Perfect Complements
- (REFERENCE : Varian, Ch 19)
[Cost Theory Basics][Part 3] Conditional Input Demand Function Responses | Comptative Statics | 48 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Cost Theory
- 2) Conditional Input Demand Function Responses
- 3) Comparative Statics : How conditional input demand changes as price of own input changes, price of other input changes, output changes
- (REFERENCE : Varian, Ch 19)
[Cost Theory Basics][Part 4] Short run and Long run costs | Cobb Douglas Production Function | 49 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Cost Theory
- 2) Derivation of Short run and Long Run Costs
- 3) Numerical Example
- (REFERENCE : Varian, Ch 19)
[Cost Theory Basics][Part 5] Relation Between AC and MC | Interpretation | Numerical Example | 50 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Cost Theory
- 2) Relation Between AC and MC
- 3) Numerical Example
- (REFERENCE : Varian, Ch 19)
[Cost Theory Basics][Part 6] | Output Elasticity wrt Total Cost | Relation Between AC and MC | 51 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Cost Theory
- 2) Relation Between AC and MC
- 3) Numerical Example
- (REFERENCE : Varian, Ch 19)
Basics of Edgeworth Box Diagram | Net Buyer | Net Seller | Feasible Allocation | 1 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Basics of Edgeworth box Diagram?
- 2) Net Buyer, Net Seller and Feasible Allocation.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 31)
Meaning of Pareto Efficient Allocation |2|
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning of Pareto Efficient Allocation?
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 31)
Examples of Pareto Efficiency | Numerical | Cobb Douglas- Cobb Douglas | Cobb Douglas – Min | 3 |
This video talks about Numerical Example of Pareto Efficient Allocation for U1=xy. and U2 = xy U1= min (x,y) and U2 = xy
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 31)
Competitive Equilibrium Condition MRS 1 = MRS 2 = Price Ratio | 4 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Competitive Equilibrium Condition MRS 1 = MRS 2 =Px/Py
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 31)
[Microeconomics II] Walras Law | Value of Aggregate excess demand vector is zero at all prices | 5 |
This video talks about Walras Law: The value of aggregate excess demand vector is zero at all prices.
- (REFERENCE : Varian Ch 31)
[Microeconomics II ] Walras Law | Another Proof | 6 |
This video talks about Walras Law: The value of aggregate excess demand vector is zero at all prices.
[Microeconomics II] Numerical | Competitive Equilbrium Price and Allocation | 7 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How to find competitive equilibrium allocation and price.
- 2) Examples : U1 = xy and U2= xy U1 = xy and U2= min{x,y}
[Microeconomics II] First Welfare Theorem | Proof | All Market Equilibrium are Pareto efficient |8|
This video talks about:-
- 1) First Welfare Theorem | Proof |
- 2) All Market Equilibrium are Pareto efficient.
[Microeconomics II] First Welfare Theorem | Simple Monopoly Case | 9 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How a simple monopoly case leads to Non fulfilment of First Welfare Theorem.
- 2) Monopoly Market Equilibrium is not Pareto efficient.
[Microeconomics II] First Welfare Theorem | Part 3 | Perfectly Discriminating Monopolist | 10 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) How a Perfectly discriminating monopoly case leads to fulfilment of First Welfare Theorem.
- 2) Discriminating Monopoly Market Equilibrium is Pareto efficient.
[Microeconomics II] Second Welfare Theorem | Convex Preferences | Non Convex Preferences | 11 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Second Welfare Theorem.
- 2) And its application to Convex Preferences and Non Convex Preferences.
[Microeconomics II] Welfare Economics | Aggregation of Preferences | Majority Voting Method | 12 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Aggregation of Preferences |
- 2) One of the way to aggregate preferences is the Majority Voting Method.
[Microeconomics II] Welfare Economics | Rank Order Voting | Condorcet Paradox | Borda Count | 13 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Aggregation of Preferences through Rank Order Voting Method.
- 2) Condorcet Paradox | Borda Count |
- 3) Meaning of independent of Irrelevant Alternatives.
[Microeconomics II] Welfare Economics | Arrow Impossibility Theorem | Meaning | Part 1 | 14 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning of Arrow Impossibility Theorem . We have discussed the first two desirable properties of SWF in this part, will discuss the remaining in the next part.
- 2) Unrestricted Domain.
- 3) Pareto Principle.
[Microeconomics II] Welfare Economics | Arrow Impossibility Theorem | Part 2 | 15 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Meaning of Arrow Impossibility Theorem . We have discussed the first two desirable properties of SWF in this part, will discuss the remaining in the next part.
- 2) Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives.
- 3) Unrestricted Domain.
[Microeconomics II] | Types of Social Welfare Functions | Benthamite | Rawlasian | Nietzsian |16 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Types of Social Welfare Functions.
- 2) Benthamite, Rawlasian, Nietzsian SWF.
[Microeconomics II]Maximization of Welfare | Utility Possibility Frontier | Iso Welfare curves |17|
This video talks about:-
- 1) Maximization of Welfare.
- 2) Utility Possibility Frontier and Iso Welfare curves.
- 3) SW Maximizing allocation must be Pareto optimal.
[Game Theory Introduction] |Dominant Strategy Equilibrium | Meaning Of Nash
Equilibrium | 19 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1) Basic of Game Theory.
- 2) Dominant Strategy Equilibrium.
- 3) Meaning of Nash Equilibrium.
- Reference : Varian
[Game Theory Basics] Is Nash Equilibrium Unique and Pareto optimal?Will it always exist? | 20 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1. Basics of Game Theory
- 2. Is Nash Equilibrium Unique ?
- 3. Is Nash equilibrium always Pareto optimal
- 4. Will Nash Equilibrium always exist?
[Game Theory Basics] Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium Example | Best Response Function | 21 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1. Basics of Game Theory
- 2. How to find Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium
- 3. Best Response functions of Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium
- 4. Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium
- Reference : Varian
[Game Theory Introduction] | Sequential Form Games | Battle of Sexes | Non Credible Threat | 22 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1. Basic of Game Theory.
- 2. Forming of Game Tree of extensive form game.
- 3. Battle of Sexes.
- 4. Solving a Game using Backward induction.
- 5. Non-Credible Threat.
- Reference : Varian
[Game Theory Basics] | Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium Example | Wrting Strategies Players | 23 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1. Basics of Game Theory.
- 2. Meaning of Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium.
- 3. Example of Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium.
- 4. Solving a Game using Backward induction.
- 5. Wrting Strategies of Players.
- Reference : Varian
Perfect Competition | Part 1| Features | Demand Curve of a Firm in Perfect Competition | 18 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1. Basics of Market Structure
- 2. Features of a perfectly competitive markets
- 3. Demand Curve of a Firm in Perfect Competition
- Reference : Varian, Ch 20
Market Structure Basics | Part 2| Perfect Competition| Profit Maximizing Condition P=MC| 19 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1. Basics of Market Structure
- 2. Profit Maximizing Condition P= MC
- 3. Supply curve of a competitive firm
- Reference : Varian, Ch 22
Market Structure Basics | Part 5| Perfect Competition| Profit| Numericals | Supply Function | Producer surplus | 28 |
- This video talks about:-
- 1. Basics of Market Structure
- 2. Numericals on Supply Function of a firm and Producer Surplus = Profits + Fixed Costs
- Reference : Varian, Ch 22, Nicholson Chapter 10
[Econometrics] Population Regression Line | Meaning | Stochastic PRF | Non Stochastic PRF | 1 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) What is Population Regression Line?
- 2) What is Stochastic PRF and Non Stochastic PRF?
- (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 2)
[Econometrics] Sample Regression Function | Nature of Stochastic Error Term | 2 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) What is Sample Regression Function?
- 2) What is Stochastic PRF and Non Stochastic PRF?
- (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 2)
[Econometrics] Linear in Parameters | Method of OLS | Estimation Intercept and Slope terms | 3 |
This video talks about
- What is Linearity in Parameters?
- Estimation of OLS Estimators in a Simple Linear Regression model.
- (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 2)
[Econometrics] Properties of Regression Line | 4 |
This video talks about Six properties of a regression line. (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 2).
[Econometrics| Assumptions of CLRM | Classical Linear Regression Model | 5 |
This video talks about The assumptions of Classical Linear Regression Model. (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 3).
[Econometrics] Unbiasedness of Slope Estimator | Simple Proof | 6 |
This video talks about Unbiasedness of Slope estimator beta 2 hat. (REFERENCE : Dougherty, Chapter 2).
[Econometrics] Variance of Regression Coefficients | Slope estimator | beta two hat
| 7 |
This video talks about VARIANCE of Slope estimator beta 2 hat. (REFERENCE : Dougherty, Chapter 2)
[Econometrics] Gauss Markov Theorem | PART 1 | Unbiasedness | Variance of beta 2
hat | | 8 |
This video talks about Gauss Markov Theorem (Part 1) (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 2/3)
[Econometrics] Coefficient of Determination r2 | TSS = ESS + RSS | 10 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Coefficient of Determination, r2
- 2) TSS = ESS + RSS (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 3)
[Econometrics] Gauss Markov Theorem | Part 2 | Proof | Minimum Variance | | 9 |
This video talks about Gauss Markov Theorem (Part 2) (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 2/3)
[Econometrics] Regression through Origin | Without Intercept Model | 11 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Regression through Origin (Without Intercept Model).
- 2) Comparison of Without Intercept model with “with” intercept (conventional) model.
- (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 6)
[Econometrics] Scaling and Units of Measurement | 12 |
This video talks about:-
- 1) Scaling and Units of Measurement.
- 2) Yi* = b1 + b2Xi* + ui*, where Yi* = w1Yi and Xi* = w2Xi
- (REFERENCE : Gujarati, Chapter 6)